Photo taken April 2008 at the Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve near Palmdale, California. I used my Nikon D40.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Hey eh, I finally have had time to use my season pass for Disneyland. Here are a few phone photo's.

This would make a good album cover

Remodeling. Hope the fish can hold their breath.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Another Fire (Back side of the Sylmar Fire)

I probably should write here once in a while for all those people who don't have Faceplant. Here's some photo's from last weekends fire.

Eerie sky Friday night.

Fire near Sierria Highway

Firefighters waiting for flames. Photo taken looking southeast from Dockweiler Drive above Newhall CA.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

What I did on my day off

Its November and time for our pipes to back up again. Glad to get that fixed. Its no fun taking a shower while standing in sludge.

Let Them Eat Cake

When frosting a cake, squeeze sick cat carefully while moving around for an even spread.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Castaic Fire October 1, 2008

Hey eh, Here's some pictures from the castaic fire today. I first spotted smoke around 4:30 p.m. The fire was located near I-5 and Templin Highway.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

New Addition to Family

My niece and her husband recently adopted a new dog. His name is Johan which is probaby latin for the Spanish "Jaun". He's a great dog (a smooth coat Jack Russell ) and he loves to swim. Here are a couple of videos:

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Mystery Payment Coming

I signed up for that mystery promise - keeper - giver offering non-pledge at church a while back. You know that one where we commit to give money we don't have and the Lord will provide. It’s a great idea. At first I was a little discouraged since I was suppose to receive unexpected money and all I received were unexpected bills. But, the tide is changing. I opened a fortune cookie the other day and found the fortune posted below:

In all honesty, I think its great that we are asking by faith that the Lord will provide money for our, or His, missionaries; as long as we ask by faith and spend by sight.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Just had a nice earthquake. I had been talking with my boss when we were interrupted by what sounded like a strong wind blowing. As the sound increased, I realized something more was happening. When I saw my boss holding on to the wall, I realized we were having an earthquake. Unfortunately, I didn't think to start recording until the quake was ending. I did catch the mirror wobbling.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Dust Devil near COC

I've traveled to Omaha several times in order to see a tornado. It turns out that I only needed to drive as far as Valencia near College of the Crayons.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Cold Drink on a Hot Day

Its very hot today. Couldn't think of a better picture to post.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Emergency Exit

In case of emergency, all English speaking people please exit to the left. All Spanish speaking people, please exit to the right.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Omaha Zoo

Here's some photo's from the Omaha Zoo:

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

R U S H concert

I was able to attend the second leg of the R U S H Snakes and Arrows tour at the Nokia Theater last night. Last year I saw them at the Hollywood Bowl. Both were great concerts but a little loud.

Thursday, May 01, 2008


Hey ! What's with all the earthquakes ? Actually, it’s been 151 years since our last 150 year magnitude 8 quake, so I thought it would probably be a good idea to buy water and flashlights.
I didn’t want to have to tell my friends and family “I knew I should have prepared”.
Updated earthquake maps can be found at the USGS site:

Thursday, April 10, 2008

2008 California Poppy Season

Wednesday I took my mom to the California Poppy Reserve and the surrounding area. It was cold and windy. Poppies tend to not open up when is cold and windy so while there were many fields of poppies, and the sun was unobstructed by clouds; not too many poppies were open. I did take several pictures anyway (I drove all that way) and posted a few here.

While I was appreciating all the flowers, two C-130's flew over.

More Poppies

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Answer to Bug question

Hey eh, I answered my own question. The bug pictured above is a Dysdera Crocota, also known as a Slater Spider or Sowbug Killer. They bite ! But they're not poisonous to humans. I found my answer at:

Anyone know anything about bugs ? Not the rabbit.

I found this bug in my pool. It looks like a spider but i wasn't sure? Anyone know ? It was about 1/2 inch long; not very big.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Hey! what's that white stuff on the hill tops ?

Saturday afternoon I enjoyed about 5 minutes of hail while driving from the valley to Santa Clarita. When I reached the bottom of the Newhall Pass, I noticed the white hill tops and realized that what is was seeing may actual be hail rather than snow. I stopped by the hiking trails and asked a few hikers who confirmed that it had hailed. So that‘s my guess; its not snow but hail.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Washing Dishes

Among the myriad of opportunities to serve at the Shepherds Conference, I was given the one task I had requested not to do... washing dishes. I had a great time anyway. In fact, looking back, I don't know that I would have requested anything else. I met new friends and ate tons of food. What more could you want?

Did I forget to smile again?

(Pictired left to right: friend # 1, friend # 2, friend # 3, me, friend # 4, friend # 5)

Friday, March 07, 2008

Free books for 3500 pastors

Yesterday morning I helped bag books for the Shepherd’s Conference. I counted about 35 volunteers bagging 15 books for 3500 pastors. That’s 100 trips per volunteer down the book bagging isle. My feet were very tired.

The Volunteers

The Books

Church Tycoon

Its shepherd's Conference week and time for Church Tycoon.
I used Roller Coaster Tycoon III to build Grace Church.

Here’s a few clips:
The Rollercoaster

The Tram from the parking lot

Still Images

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

The cat and the Squirrel

A squirrel was out teasing the cats this morning. That’s all the excitement for today. No earthquakes, no floods, not even any dates.
p.s. The squirrel got away... as usual.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Cat on Shelf

I noticed we have a new decoration for our garage shelf....

Monday, February 25, 2008

Cats still on roof

Before I had a blog it seemed there were things worth writing about or taking pictures of. Currently, the most noteworthy event is what the neighborhood cats are doing. Very exciting! Once again, they were sitting on the neighbors roof warming themselves in the morning sun.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Flight Sim X Flight into Burbank

In my spare time (9:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.) I sometimes play computer games. Here's a video clip from my flight into Burbank last night. Someday I'll buy capture software so I don't have to video tape the computer screen. You may need Windows Media version 9 to play this. I have a friend who is a pilot. He says a good landing is one you can walk away from. This was a good landing.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Clouds on the hill tops

Of the many things I enjoy in nature, the weather is something that can easily capture my attention. Everything from light rain to torrential downpours, from peaceful things like rainbows to more terrifying things like lightning or tornadoes; I am fascinated by it all. It’s a perplexity that I live in southern California where we rarely even see clouds, but I enjoy what I can and travel when I get board with our beautiful sunny days. The other day I stopped by the local mail drop off and noticed a unique and beautiful cloud formation capping the mountain tops to west. I took a few pictures and posted one here. I believe these fall into the category of Lenticular clouds, although I’ve never seen this type of formation.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Cats on Roof

On cold mornings, my cats (otherwise known as the neighborhood cats) use to sun themselves on the neighbor's brick wall , but they have migrated to my neighbors roof to take advantage of all the heat coming out of their attic vent.
Almost any cold morning after breakfast they can be found enjoying the heat.